Off For A While!

Record released on 2003-07-31 at 11:28 a.m.

I am preparing for my weekend at Y's now! I'm not looking forward to the journey, but I know I will be well looked after when I get to the other side and that's what matters.

This week has been hard, and I'm feeling pretty bad healthwise, but I dood have some good news this morning. My smear came back normal, thank god. However, my sadistic doctor wants me to have repeat smears every few months, which my body really is not going to take too well. But then again, this is the same doctor who forget to tell me depo would make me bleed, so I am going to take this with a pinch of salt and work out the best plan with my new doctor when I next go back to see her.

There are scary things afoot this morning - forst a terrifying 'Toise from Laura! (Thank you for that! I promise when it's been tested out I will give you a full report! Brilliant!) and some scary but funny messages from Kass involving the Frasier theme tune which has given me an evil plan - I am going to hum it loudly on the train all the way to Y's and try to get it in the heads of as many people as I can. A perfect plan! Tee hee!

I used to scare a friend of mine by telling him that those scrambled eggs from the Frasier theme tune which were calling, were actually calling him. I think I actually gave him a phobia of sccrambled eggs for a couple of years.....

Anyway, I apologise for being a bit absent this week. I've just been feeling a bit too tired to do as much typing as I'd hoped. Hopefully a weekend at Y's will relax me enough to get a bit of energy back, or at least to do away with a few of these damn ulcers. I even had a dream with ulcers in last night! And some bloke in a suit saying the immortal line, "It's amazing how these proceeded mobiles, isn't it?!" Erm.... I'm glad my dreams are not a script writer....

Anyway, enjoy your weekends one and all. I will be back next week, on Monday night or Tuesday, and in the meanwhile think of me having lots of sex, watching lots of stupid programmes and eating lots of pasta with the one I love :)

Bye for now! xx

What's On: John leslie's 'getting cleared' statement on ITV :/

Next: Going to Manchester!

Quote of the Moment: "I've brought some cornflakes and some intreguing books..."

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Fantastic Double CD Includes Tracks:

1. Latest
2. Archives
3. Links
4. Rings
5. Profile
6. Biography
7. Googles
8. Health
9. Sexuality
10. LiveJournal
11. Dream Diary
12. Private
13. Surveys
14. Rings I Run
15. Tattoos
16. Wishlist

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CD 2 Includes the Following Remixes:

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Messages (smilies)

Starting Again? - 2005-06-11
Returning - 2004-08-16
Just Wondering - - 2004-07-30
Birthday - 2004-02-23
A New Year - 2003-12-31

grrr // Jaye


All lyrics ramblings � Little Miss X, with painkillers on backing vocals, 'toises on drums and Izzles on the musical toilet rolls. And if you would like to know more about the music *I* enjoy, see my playlist. Best viewed in 800x600 and with a pair of eyes and a sense of humour.With thanks to Diaryland.


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