Starting Again? Record
released on 2005-06-11 at 12:40 p.m.
It has been so long since I last came here. It feels like an eternity. So many things have happened and so much has changed. I have been thinking lately about returning to diaryland. It wouldn't be this diary, I'd be starting afresh. I have been missing the kind of writing I used to do here and I'd like to try to get it back. If I did start again, would anyone like to know the address?
What's On:
Quote of the Moment:
Last Track / Next Track
Fantastic Double CD Includes Tracks:
1. Latest
2. Archives
3. Links
4. Rings
5. Profile
6. Biography
7. Googles
8. Health
9. Sexuality
10. LiveJournal
11. Dream Diary
12. Private
13. Surveys
14. Rings I Run
15. Tattoos
16. Wishlist
Karaoke versions available of:
All lyrics ramblings � Little Miss
with painkillers on backing vocals, 'toises on drums and Izzles on the
musical toilet rolls. And if you would like to know more about the music
*I* enjoy, see my playlist.
Best viewed in 800x600 and with a pair of eyes and a sense of humour.With
thanks to Diaryland.