Samprases?..... Sampri?....

Record released on 2003-06-30 at 6:58 p.m.

No Sampras yesterday, so today you get two! Don't all cheer at once now..... And I need your own sampras-alikes for later on this week so don't forget to send them to me :)

Today's double bill:

Pete Sampras is...... Bert


Pete Sampras Is..... Thomas the Tank Engine!

Proper entry along a little later :)

What's On: Wimbledon of course!

Next: My proper entry.

Quote of the Moment: "He's got a lot of shirts in the bag...."

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Fantastic Double CD Includes Tracks:

1. Latest
2. Archives
3. Links
4. Rings
5. Profile
6. Biography
7. Googles
8. Health
9. Sexuality
10. LiveJournal
11. Dream Diary
12. Private
13. Surveys
14. Rings I Run
15. Tattoos
16. Wishlist

Karaoke versions available of:



CD 2 Includes the Following Remixes:

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Messages (smilies)

Starting Again? - 2005-06-11
Returning - 2004-08-16
Just Wondering - - 2004-07-30
Birthday - 2004-02-23
A New Year - 2003-12-31

grrr // Jaye


All lyrics ramblings � Little Miss X, with painkillers on backing vocals, 'toises on drums and Izzles on the musical toilet rolls. And if you would like to know more about the music *I* enjoy, see my playlist. Best viewed in 800x600 and with a pair of eyes and a sense of humour.With thanks to Diaryland.


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