Wrapping up for the Weekend

Record released on 2003-06-19 at 1:36 p.m.

I have just done the first in a series of private entries which can be found here. Anyone who's joined the notifylist should have an email with the details to access it - my apologies if it went through twice - it kind of broke down when I was sending it the first time so I had to start it all over again :/ Also, let me know if it didn't get through at all! If you'd like to read my private entries, you can join the notify list by putting your email address in the box below. I promise not to spam you - there will only be a message when I do a private entry.


After yesterday's workmen-related excitement, today I'm hoping for a quieter life for the next few days. Y is on his way down and I'll be going down to meet him shortly, with a quick trip into town on the way. I'm looking for a video that I know I won't find but I need to try. I am sure I once saw tapes of Belfry Witches for sale but I can't find any trace of them online. *sigh*

Inkdragon has been doing a five-questions task where she sets five questions for people who then answer them on their diary and in her guestbook, and then in turn ask for people to request 5 questions of their own. It sounded like fun to me, so I asked for five and she's left me some excellent ones which I'll be thinking about over the weekend and answering on Monday night. I'm looking forward to answering question 3 the most :)

Oh, for goodness sake.... they've said it again! The ITV news channel really are stupid sometimes. They said this the other day and they just said it again:

"Well, coming up after the break..... more news!"

Duh! I didn't think they'd have news! I thought they were going to have a series about the history of super glue! I wonder how many people they had sitting around working on that link into the ads?

The reason I have the news channel on is that I'm waiting for news on Laura Sadler. The latest reports are that her life support machine has been switched off, but these have not been confirmed. I cried a little earlier. Last night at about half past midnight I got the theme tune to Belfry Witches in my head and it stopped me getting to sleep, playing over and over. It's so ironic - I only threw away the internet chats I had with some friends about Belfry Witches from 4 years ago within the last month. I even smiled as I re-read the one where I was getting a ribbing for liking her before I put it in the bin to clear out room for other papers.

You know, a few years ago I recall when Jill Dando was murdered and there was so much hysteria about it, I wondered how I would cope when a famous person that I liked died. I knew it would happen eventually, but I never realised it would (probably) be someone like her, so young with so much ahead of her. I'm feeling extremely sad at the moment. You know, she actually crossed my mind a couple of weeks ago to add to my list of Celebrities I Wanted To Write To.

Anyway, I must wrap this entry up and get ready to head down the town before Y arrives. We may well poke our noses in at some point, but if not then I hope everyone has a good weekend :)

And watch out for workmen!

What's On: ITV News Channel. Yes, I KNOW it's going to be more news after the break!

Next: Posting letters

Quote of the Moment: "Curly! I knew it!"

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Starting Again? - 2005-06-11
Returning - 2004-08-16
Just Wondering - - 2004-07-30
Birthday - 2004-02-23
A New Year - 2003-12-31

grrr // Jaye


All lyrics ramblings � Little Miss X, with painkillers on backing vocals, 'toises on drums and Izzles on the musical toilet rolls. And if you would like to know more about the music *I* enjoy, see my playlist. Best viewed in 800x600 and with a pair of eyes and a sense of humour.With thanks to Diaryland.


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